Macbeth Fate And Free Will Research Paper

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In life, there is no true control. You can make decisions, but that only creates endless possibilities. Fate is something that can be determined ahead of time, but free will is something that you choose to make your destiny. Macbeth did not have to achieve his fate the way that he did, but that is how he chose to get there. The theme of fate and free will is changed depending on Macbeth’s actions and the witches’ prophecies. Fate and free will have a big role in Macbeth, fate and free will are the basis of the plot. In the text, Macbeth receives the prophecies and then he decides how he is going to make them true. Him doing the actions is free will, but there would be no free will if the witches had not told Macbeth what his fate was. Macbeth first starts believing in fate in Act I Scene III. Macbeth says, “When those that gave the Thane of Cawdor to me Promised no less to them?” (Shakespeare 23). The first example of free will is when Macbeth kills Duncan. His …show more content…

The witches prophecies are the base of the plot because without them there would be no death. In the 2010 movie, the witches show much more power compared to the 1978 version witches. The witches in the 2010 production can produce electricity and then use that electricity to show Macbeth the three apparitions (Goold). The witches in the 1978 version have a different sense of power. They use voodoo dolls and they are very physical with Macbeth (Casson). When Macbeth first sees the apparitions, he is with the witches and they walk up towards him. The 1978 production witches hold up three dolls near Macbeth and give him his prophecies. They had given him a potion to make him hallucinate (Casson). The witches told Macbeth that he was invincible and since everything else came true he thought that this would be true too. Macbeth became so gullible that the witches started giving him fake

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