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“Would you kill someone if it gave you power and gave you the skill to rule a country?” Macbeth was the kings general and wanted all the power he had so he did whatever it took to get the power. Shakespeare is showing humanism by fate and how Macbeth regretted using humanism towards evil. When it was already too late he realized the murder is evil with humanism. Shakespeare showed how Macbeth went from a considerate person who knew right from wrong to a strong leader who let his pride get the best of him.
Macbeth realized humanism with murder is evil. Shakespeare showed the humanism by telling Macbeth that killing Duncan is bad by murder is evil. “We will go no further in this business, he has honored me lately.” Shakespeare was showing how Macbeth had realized it was evil and didn’t want to continue with the process. Shakespeare is saying Macbeth knows murdering Duncan is wrong. “To know what I have done, it would be better to lose consciousness altogether.” Macbeth rather just be knocked out and not know what’s going on rather than know what he did. He doesn’t like the fact that he used humanism for murder and made it evil. In the beginning of the play Macbeth was very human and even a war hero but soon as things start to change and he meets the witches when they are telling him his prophecy of him being king. That led him to want to work harder and that lead to Duncan’s death. After the death of Duncan the change of Macbeth began to accelerate and by the end of the play his transformation is complete, his human thoughts and feelings are wiped away. He went from being a good person to only focusing on peoples fear because he lost his human characteristics. He allowed the evil within people to overwhelm him and finally just sto...

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...and to be escorted back home. Both Macduff and Malcolm were symbols of loyalty and integrity for their country and put the good in humanism. Shakespeare showed that humanism wasn’t just used for the evil and that good people can bring out the good in it.
Shakespeare showed us that Macbeth was a dynamic character who changed from loyal, caring and courageous to a selfish jealous character. Macbeth let the evil take him over therefore he was no longer a good person because the witches manipulated him. It was showing humanism because after the death of Duncan he then realized that he regretted using it in an evil way. “My hands are red like yours but I’d be ashamed to wear a heart so white.” Lady Macbeth is telling Macbeth the she wouldn’t want to be so cold hearted like he is. Would you let the powers get the best of you by ruling a country and turn them into evil?

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