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Abstract. This paper presents a result of preliminary study conducted to measure Mathematics students' perceptions towards programming, and the activities of programming in general. Sample group were students who were currently pursuing their second year degree in Mathematics with Computer Graphics (MCG) programme, who took Computer Interface Programming (CIP) course during their first semester in their current academic year. The study was conducted after a realisation that the students were reluctant in attempting programming problems in their coursework that caused a large drop in their assessments marks. The instrument used was adopted from a survey which measured students’ attitudes towards Computer Science. The survey was modified such that to reflect students’ programming perceptions instead. The instrument seeks to measure several perception components which were: Confidence (C), Attitude (A), Usefulness (U) and Motivation (M). With 24 items in the questionnaire and 34 respondents, the reliability test conducted had an average value of Cronbach's Alpha α =0.762. Data was analysed using Principle Factoring of Factor Analysis. The total variance was 70.869% while the Keiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test gave a value of 0.515. The Bartlett's test of sphericity had a significant p-value of less than 0.05. Three new factors were identified to contribute to the perceptions components. It could then be concluded that the students had negative perceptions towards programming. It was thus suggested that further research should be done to other batches of Mathematics students. Keywords and Phrases: Computer Programming Survey, Mathematics students, Programming Perceptions, Factor Analysis. 1. INTRODUCTION Programming and pr... ... middle of paper ... ...eet, Milton: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd., 2011. [4] DIANNE H. AND SELBY M., Does It Help to Have Some Programming Experience Before Beginning a Computing Degree Program?, Proceedings of ITiCSE 2000, pp 25-28, 2000. [5] OP’T EYNDE, P. AND DE CORTE, E., Students’ Mathematics-Related Beliefs: Design and Analysis of a Questionnaire, Paper presented at annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, 2003. [6] SANTOS, J. R., Cronbach’s Alpha: A Tool for assessing the reliability of scales, Journal of Extension [On-line], Vol. 37, No. 2, 1999. [7] TONNY J., The Motivation of Students of Programming, Proceedings of ITiCSE 2001, pp 53-56, ACM, 2001. [8] WIEBE, E., WILLIAMS, L., YANG, K. AND MILLER, C., Computer Science Attitude Survey, Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, NC State University, Raliegh, NC, TR-2003-01, 2003.

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