M Night Shyamalan

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The Visit is the lastest film by director M. Night Shyamalan, who has a habit for over the top or we can end up finding the movie is a masterpiece of it's own. The Visit was somewhere in between that, however it had a very original plot that made perfect sense. M. Night Shyamalan has proved he still has that great writing that will lead you down his rabbit hole of intense dialougue that builds to a pure terror of things which could happen everyday to anybody. The movie was shot low budget, it was like watching a movie at a film festival while the entire movie is shot at the angle of a documentary. As M. Night Shyamalan has made yet another film in the state of Pennsylvania Our story begins one day with a single mom played by (Kathyrn …show more content…

Night Shyamalan in my theory he is brilliant or so far off topic that it takes time to figure things out. My thoughts on his twist in this movie was original as well as easy. He showed that with low budget scary movies by brilliant directors can be done after a high profile career. The cinematography was not so good, then again these people are isolated living in rural Pennsylvanina. I dig the feel of indepent films, it had a sureal feel above his higher paid films. It gave me a fall back to his classic 'The Village' The scares were real, the plot was strong showing intense scenes involing ovens. However it could of been more excessive in the department of entertainment, I understand the story is suppose to have a feel slow it could of had a few more scares. My own thoughts to M. Night Shyamalan when it comes to directing, is sometimes he focuses on the dialouge a little too much. I could of done less with the humor put into this movie, at some points I found myself a little tired of it. I thought this movie was great, yet I was hoping for brilliant like his past films 'The 6 Sense' and 'Sign's. The performances by Becca and Tyler were solid, they had this movie down having been my favorite chacters during the movie. Kathyrn Hahn's brief appreance was good to watch as she is a versitile actress, who shows both acting comedy as well as thriller can be done. Deanna Dunagan was a tour de force giving her character a very insanse, real terror to the movie. I found her performance to be the absoulte best performance this year. I love older actresses who gave us that absoultly terrifying performance that you will remember. I say go the the theather see ' The Visit' it's worth every cent, if you are a M. Night Shyamalan

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