Lying Research Paper

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Lying Essay

According to Robert Feldman, people are told lies as many as 200 times a day. Most of the time, those lies are told in order to avoid hurting people’s feelings or just because it’s easier than the truth. That is why many people think that lying is perfectly justified, however, they do not think about the consequences the lies come with. Lying is rarely justified because it doesn’t build strong, healthy relationships and it should only be used in rare cases where someone’s life is in danger.
First of all, a strong healthy relationship depends upon people’s willingness to be honest with each other, even when it’s difficult. For example, Brad Blanton, an author, says that we should “have the courage to be honest and have a relationship based on reality” (paragraph 5). This shows how it takes courage to be honest, but when one does, it will build a stronger bond with others. This also proves that when people are honest, they will have increased their credibility in other people’s eyes which will lead to a strong relationship. Though it’s difficult, honesty should always be a priority in order to build strong, healthy relationships. …show more content…

Blanton states, “‘We shouldn’t manipulate the truth except for rare times- if you’re hiding Anne Frank in your attic because her life is in danger’” (Paragraph 11). By talking about Anne Frank, he shows an example of the only rare case lying should be permitted- if an innocent person’s life is in danger. Basically, Blanton is saying that if lying is the only way to protect someone’s life, it is justified to tell a lie to protect them. The rare case where someone’s life is in danger is the only time lying is

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