Luz Hermann: A Tragic Tragedy Of Lutz Hermann

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Prelude The first day on which Lutz Hermann broke into a sweat whilst at work was on a Thursday on week after the start of the Carnival celebrations. He was the chief of police in his hometown Cologne and now, with drops of nervous sweat collecting on his bushy moustache, he had to hold a press conference in front of national and international press for the first time in his career. He was neither ready to speak to the journalist, whom he saw as a shiver of blood thirsty shark, nor did he want to. His speech started with a long break and a nervous cough. "As you all know Cologne has been celebrating Carnival these past few days", he said. "Don't start with what they know. They know that. You know what everyone wants to hear. Damn is this tough", Lutz Hermann thought to himself. …show more content…

Although we are still crunching the numbers, from what my colleagues have told me, and from the overall atmosphere of the city these past few days, we can safely say that this was one of the more excessive Carnivals that Cologne has seen. Especially with the tragic ending, the city will take a while to recuperate from the past seven days." "With 'tragic ending' you surely mean the death of the man on the old market?", a journalist from the back rows interrupted. "Yes, the event's of Tuesday evening were indeed tragic. Our knowledge is that at quarter past nine on Tuesday evening a man burnt to death in a traditional bonfire on the old market. At this point we are not able to say whether this was an accident, and act of self immolation or, indeed, a murder. The police investigations are still pending, so I cannot tell you to much about the event." Lutz looked up from his notes and saw the journalists looking at him, hungry. He saw the blood in their eyes. They will want more, he realized, so before they could ask him questions too uncomfortable he

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