Lullaby Essay

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Lullaby by Nickelback Lullaby is a homophonic vocal-instrument song written in minor key with a fourth beat meter based on a composed-through form. Lullaby in about reaching someone who has lost everything good in life and who is giving up everything and is about leading him knows that is going to be right. The song is divided in chorus-verses form as follow: intro, first verse (A), chorus (B), second verse (A), chorus (B), bridge (C), and chorus (B). Musical Intro: the intro of lullaby is a minor monophonic melody in which at the beginning the piano starts playing different chords. Then, the electric bass and the drums start playing with the piano. At this point, the piano plays broken chords. The melody’s tempo at the intro is quadruple and the dynamics is pianoforte since when the drums and the electric bass starts playing the dynamics change abruptly. …show more content…

There is a homophonic texture at this section. The rhythm is a quadruple one and the dynamics is pianoforte as well as the intro. The singer has a baritone voice with a rough, dark tone color. The vocalist as well as the instruments play in minor tone which is consistent with the melancholy of the lyrics that express the emotions of having lost everything and having nothing to live for. The melody’s tempo is andantino. At the end of this section, there is a bridge in which the sound of the instruments are dropped out to get to the climax of the intro of the

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