Luke Caponegro Declaration Of Independence Analysis

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The Declaration of Independence and Luke Caponegro’s interview both exhibit topics about freedom. In the Declaration of Independence the point of freedom is continuous throughout the document and is a main point of it. In Luke Caponegro’s interview freedom is expressed through the experiences that his father shares. They both inflict the impression of self independence through examples. The importance of freedom as a persuasive element is seen in both the Declaration of Independence and Luke Caponegro’s interview which highlights the importance of self determination in a country where at one point did not have the right of self governance. The Declaration of Independence highlights the importance of freedom by introducing themes of secession …show more content…

Both The Declaration of Independence and Luke Caponegro’s “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” (Kinsella pg 170) “I saved my money I invested it I bought stocks and I worked summers and I bought a car.” (Interview) “Well I always wanted to be an investment advisor my uncle owned a brokerage firm. My mother was an accountant for a fortune 500 company and I became interested in the stock market at an early age and my wife is an insurance broker and we expanded our business after September 11 and I went from not only investments but to all personal and commercial lines of insurance.” (Interview) The Declaration of Independence talks about the natural rights of man and how people should treat each other with respect. In Luke Caponegro’s interview his father talks about the freedoms he can excercise because of the people who wrote The Declaration of Independence and fought for these

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