Loyalty, Intirity And Equity

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Loyalty, integrity and unity. In my research all three were used as the pillars in which a traditional indian family stands. Hierarchy, family ideals and authority also play an important role in how an indian family is built up. The role a male and female has in a family distinguishes a significant amount, culture being the main reason why. Indians take pride in their heritage and their values are taken very seriously because their whole family life is based around them. The novel Nectar In A Sieve is described by the author as a story of " a woman's struggle to find happiness in a changing India." This novel relates to the research on a traditional indian family and will be compared towards the end. Joint families are common in india and highly valued. This particular family consists of various generations living,worshipping,working and eating together. The family would include related men with their wives,kids, and unmarried daughters. Families with a lot of members can be flexible. Cooperating members help maintain economic security. As joint families grow they separate and eventually grow into a new joint family continuing the cycle. Family loyalty is an important ideal and family unity is strongly emphasized. In a household the ties between being a spouse and parent are de-emphasized to keep family harmony. Therefore public display of affection between mother and father are thought to be improper behavior. Hierarchy plays an important role in indian families and it's very clear whether in age,gender,or position. There is hierarchy to maintain harmony within the family and everyone has to respect the authority of the individuals ranked above them. It is a crucial value for indians to respect their elders. Elders r... ... middle of paper ... ...y values seriously as well. They are 1.Respect your elders, 2. Take care of parents in their old age, 3. Respect their spiritual leader, 4. Contribute to society through selfless seva, and 5. pass on spiritual, ancient and cultural heritage to their children. Also, according to their scripture life is divided into four sections. 1.Student life, 2.Family Life, 3. Retirement, and 4. Preparation for salvation. All in all, Indian families are set in their own culture and beliefs. They follow tradition very well and take all their customs seriously. Loyalty, integrity, and unity is what describes a traditional indian family. Loyalty to their family, religion and customs. Integrity in their principles and unity in their family. For generations the traditional Indian family has been living the same way and would still continue their customs for generations to come.

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