Lowering The Drinking Age Essay

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Drinking Age Drinking age should not be lowered to 18 because young people are immature when they are drunk. They are not responsible of their actions. Also they can not control their reactions after a few drinks. Many tend to drink alcohol because they think it’s cool to do it, but they fail to realize that after a few drinks they don’t know what they are doing anymore and end up doing the wrong things. If the drinking age is lowered to 18, more young people will buy alcohol, and that will lead to more drunk irresponsible young kids. Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways, and also affect the way the brain looks and works. When you drink alcohol it causes your brain not to function right, and it cannot think clearly. Most of the time you do things without even thinking about the consequences. Drinking too much causes your brain to forget what you do or what you have done. Many times when you drink too much it causes you pass out. Your brain is not made for so much alcohol. Drinking too much can change your mood and behavior. Also can make it harder to think clearly and move with coordination. Many people that drink too much tend to hurt other people or hurt themselves because they don't know what they are doing …show more content…

That is something that most of the people tend to do while they are drinking, or when they had drank some before they drive. Many of those people are young age people. On average, a drunk driver will drive 80 times under the influence before their first arrest. When someone drives under the influence they tend to fall asleep behind the wheel. Your view starts to fail, sometimes you start to see things that aren't even there or things that don't even exist. That is why so many accidents are caused by a drunk driver, because they don't see clearly anymore and their brain don't function right like it should work while it's in its 5

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