Low Voter Turnout In America Essay

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Voter turnout in the United States has been decreasing over the years. Statistical data has shown that voter turnout has decreased by five percent if you look at the previous three elections. The United States government is run by three government branches and voting is a major part of the United States it’s what makes United States different. The people are given a choice on who they want to vote as their representative, their president even though our vote does count the person with the most electoral votes wins the race. The United States has a lower voter turnout compared with other democracies in the world due to a couple of reasons. These reasons include registration, tuesday elections, voluntary voting, and felon disenfranchisement. …show more content…

Seventy four percent of eligible voters who don't vote say that the two party systems don't serve them. People have many misconceptions one of them being money buys elections so why even vote. We see the collective action problem in low voter turnout and this paradox of voting. The incumbency factor is also another factor since people believe we know this candidate has a higher chance of winning the election why vote. The wealthy few control the government, that our government represents the few than the many so people have a lot of questions about the government. Rather than learning about it or why their vote matters people stop believing saying they don’t care anymore or I’ve heard people say what makes you sure once the person we vote for becomes president listens to us. Media plays a big part during campaign and when the election day is near. All these ads, articles, news coverage, and tweets make people fed up. Compared to other countries one out of every two eligible voters in the United States decides to not turn up and vote on election day. United States is far behind other countries when it comes to voter turnout. Only sixty five percent of the eligible voting age is registered that just shows us voter registration is a huge problem where in Belgium, Turkey, UK, Sweden, and many more registration is automatic and much more compared to the

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