Low Socioeconomic Conditions and Minority School Students

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The populations of those living in low socioeconomic conditions predominantly belong to minority groups. Most research found focuses in on African-American groups, especially within schools. Students in school who are black, are more likely to come from non-traditional family homes than their white counterparts, and they receive less of an education (Ainsworth-Darnell, Roscigno, 1999). Non-traditional family homes are typically ones missing a parent, and are considered to be categorized as being low socioeconomic. Although students who belong to low socioeconomic classes belong to minority groups, they are also overrepresented within data, especially among black students. (Reyes, Stanic, 1988). Students who live in these conditions are disadvantaged in life. Black people tend to rate their overall …show more content…

I felt that this research provided a lot of information on how to measure, and accurately study socioeconomic status among various groups. I noticed a lot of the data was gathered through studies, or across long periods of time. I learned through this paper that socioeconomic status measurements a larger number of things than people attribute to it. Socioeconomic status determines just how far you can go in life. Occupation, income, educational obtainment, and even health risks are all determined or associated by what socioeconomic status you fall under. I felt all the hypothesis formed at the beginning of this process were all proven in one way, or another. I predicted that people who belong to minority groups would be more likely to belong within a low socioeconomic class, and this was proven through the research. However, the most shocking of things I predicted was that people who belong to a low socioeconomic are typically less educated. I had a small feeling that this would be proven, but the numbers shown in the research are eye

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