Racial Segregation and Landmark Supreme Court Cases

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“Separate but equal was a legal doctrine in United States constitutional law that justified and permitted racial segregation as not being in breach of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution which guaranteed equal protection under the law to all citizens, and other federal civil rights laws". African Americans have a history of struggles because of racism and prejudices. Ever since the end of the Civil War, they struggled to benefit from their full rights that the Constitution promised being that, the US Supreme Court had to make many decisions to impact African-Americans: Loving vs Virginia, Plessy vs Ferguson, and Shelley vs Kraemer. In the case Loving vs Virginia there was a law making it a felony for a white person to marry a black person or the reverse. Richard Loving who was a white man who was in love with Mildred Jetter a, black woman. They was against Virginias laws banning marriage between blacks and whites. After they they got married in Washington D.C , the couple returned to Virginia and was charged for traveling together and sentenced a year in prison. Mildred loving wrote to an attorney for help , she then left the judgment for the Supreme Court. The couple was referred to the ACLU which represented in the landmark Supreme Court case. …show more content…

The other owners in the neighborhood white , agreed to restrict colored people from buying houses in the neighborhood. Shelley had no knowledge of what the owners had done. He was not pleased with their ignorance.The circuit court declined to enforce the agreement on the basis that not all of the property owners had signed the covenant. Then Shelley appealed the case to the United States Supreme Court, which had no experience of a case like this before. The final decision was that any court may not constitutionally enforce a "restrictive covenant" which she prevents people of any particular race from buying

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