Love in the Family

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Love in the Family

"Ooooh, I love myself"

When someone says this sentence you tend to feel that this guy is

selfish and above all arrogant. But not at all, somebody should start

to love himself he would eventually start to respect himself and then

he can feel the same for the people of his immediate surroundings that

is his family.

Now what would happen if someone does not have this feeling of love

and respect for himself? Such a person would have nothing else but

negative thoughts towards himself and consequently towards his

surroundings, and there is no closer surroundings than one's own

family. As such someone feels tension all day and all around him,

moreover within his family. Such an atmosphere can never bring the

feelings of peace and harmony, which are essential for a family to

have among its members and thus be happy.

But for someone who loves and respects himself, he experiences peace

and harmony. He is thus happy and wants to share this happiness with

people dear to him, and you will certainly agree with me that the

dearest and closest of them all is his family. Is it not the most

wonderful thing in the world to have a happy family? Many people have

this strong desire and I can say that all of us in here have the same


So, my dear friends do not feel afraid to fall in love with yourself.

Understanding with empathy

All of us can understand with empathy. What does this mean? Well

emphasize with somebody means imagining oneself to be another person,

sharing his or her feelings, In other words putting oneself in another

person's shoes. It is indeed necessary to understand one with empathy,...

... middle of paper ...

...The parents must think of it in a positive

manner. If they know that they can trust their child enough and that

the latter will not commit any mistake that will make either the child

or the parent regret the problem of negative thinking will not arise

at all. If instead the parent has positive thinking of his son or

daughter, the latter will never try to deceive the parent.

These two vivid examples show you how bring along love and peace in a

family. As you can see, lack of trust in a family destroys its peace

and there will never be peace in the family. So trust in a family is a

very important factor and this will allow have national unity in the

family. All relation is based on trust. It is very important to trust

your partner, son or whatever it may be as it will allow to create a

better relation.

Thank you.

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