Love: Now Comes in Mute

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You're checking out a book at the library, picking out some produce at the grocery store, or taking a walk in the park, and some assistant, shopper, or dogwalker catches your eye. It's happened to all of us, you notice someone, and when you have the chance to spark up a conversation, you turn it down. Even if you happen to see that same person again, your worries get the best of you. It seems as if you've seen that dashing smile a million times before. It all makes sense; you almost rehearse lines of what to say in your head while approaching them, and the best you can do is wave your hand awkwardly or flash a disappointed half smile. If more people could grasp the idea of how hard it is to get a second chance, how things don't always fall into place, and sometimes it's too late to get what you wanted, these sorts of situations wouldn't be a problem for much longer. If everyone stopped expressing their emotions and kept their thoughts to themselves, what would happen to all the spontaneity and romanticism? There would be no such thing as love stories or any story with a climax, real...

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