Love Narrative Essay

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Things started off good, like in the beginning of all relationships. Brandon and I met my senior year in high school. Brandon would ignore me for days. He would get mad at me if I didn’t do what he told me, right then. I never had any time to myself to grow as a person, not a slave. I should have seen the signs in the beginning, but I was young and stupid. After four long years of heartbreaks and fighting, I couldn’t take it any more, so I left him. I couldn’t stand being in a loveless relationship for the rest of my life. At that moment in time, I finally was free, I could breathe. As I was struggling to break free, I landed in Krystal’s arms, Who I found was truly my best friend and the love of my life. I wish that I wasn’t so naive because Brandon had stopped talking to me and was ignoring me two weeks after we started dating. I was crushed because I was in love, I had thought that he didn’t want to be with me any more. When he said that we needed to talk, he asked me what my problem was, so I had told him that he was ignoring me. Brandon said, “I didn’t realize that I was,” he apologized, for a few months’ things were
I was upset because that means that I had about two weeks to spend time with him until he left. We both made a promise that we would not see anyone else. It was two weeks after he started college when he texted me and said that he had made a mistake. In my head, I was thinking that he didn’t want to be with me any longer, but it was worse than that. He had told me that he had slept with the person that he kept telling me that she was just a friend. I was so angry. How could he tell me he loved me, and turn around and do that? My anger was just the beginning. How was I supposed to trust him again? He broke a promise that he initiated. I hated him for that, I still do. For some reason, I decided to stay, to this day I’m not sure

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