Love Language

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Regardless of what kind of relationship, whether it is with friends, family or your romantic partner, the worst thing two people can do is to not have good communication in their relationship. The trick for each of us is learning how to communicate what we need, what we want and what we feel. Hopefully, we will communicate all of this in a way that it will not only be heard—but well received. Communicating is the most important thing that many of us are not taught how to do, and it is one of the most important keys to us having good and healthy relationships. Because most people aren’t clear about who they are, what they want or need from a relationship, they don’t always start from the most honest place. This includes family, platonic and …show more content…

Our “Love Language” is how we give and receive love verbally as well as physically. This personal “Love Language” is what we bring into each relationship. When we begin a relationship it’s important that we not only understand our own “Love Language,” but that we attempt to learn and understand the “Love Language” of our partner. No matter how similar our background may seem to our partners there is still a lot to learn, and you have to keep in mind that with each experience we have, and relationship we have, each of our “Love Languages" grows and changes. Let me put it another way that might better explain relationships and “Love Languages.” It’s like going to any foreign country and you know nothing of the culture or the language. Over time you'll learn the language, but it takes really living there and being there awhile for you to have some real understanding of the country and the culture. Even if you are there the rest of your life you still won’t learn all there is to know. Relationships are not much different. When you begin a relationship there is now a whole new language and culture for both of you to learn, because you each bring a different culture, as well as backstory to the …show more content…

Many of us don’t take into consideration that we all communicate differently based upon our own backgrounds. Depending upon the “Love Language” that was spoken in your “Tribe" you may come from a place where people weren't verbal and affectionate. Your partner on the other hand may have come from a more verbal, and more affectionate background. These differences can sometimes create problems, because each is expecting the other person to be more like them. Those expectations can on occasion create tension. That is not to say the relationship can’t work when two people are different, but it does mean both people are going to have to try to understand each others culture and “Love Language.” They will need patience and understanding, and the ability to step out of their comfort zone and demonstrate a little bit of compromise to try and give each other what they

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