Love Attunement Analysis

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I agree with most of the points made in the article, though I agree most with loving attunement and reflection. Loving attunement is necessary in a child development and is also necessary to help them be happy. What is truly means is that the parent let the child know they care by giving them their attention which is worth most to them, especially when it is something they feel strongly about or feel that they need to talk about. I agree with the second part of this section about loving attunement because this reminds me of when my mom and I are talking but I don’t understand what she is saying so I ask her a question and she partially ignores me. I have asked her why she does this and it usually comes down to that she doesn’t think my question …show more content…

When I talk to her about this she always focuses her attention elsewhere, such as on a newspaper or her phone, which is a signal to me that what I am saying does not matter. It is important for people to feel they are being listened to, especially younger children. I feel that reflection is necessary because it does what it says: it helps you reflect on your life and your actions. This, as said in the article can be similar to a daydream, yet it is beneficial. To reflect on your actions and determine if they were right or wrong can help a child grow and be happy. If they know what they did wrong, then they can reflect on that moment and think about what they can do right the next time to be successful and …show more content…

All I can remember doing was the endless hours of watching PBS Kids from 8 to 5 when we were picked up. It was those special days when my grandparents had their friend’s grandchildren come over to play with us or when my grandparents would struggle to teach us their first language that I remember truly enjoying myself. I enjoyed learning new things, whether it was from my new friends or my grandparents. I enjoyed spending time with others and exchanging thoughts and ideas. Of course, I did not realize this at the time, for I was 5, but I did know that it made me happy which is all that counted to

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