Love And Hate In Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca

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Daphne Du Maurier’s Rebecca shows us a great representation of love and hate. This is a story about a woman who marries a very rich guy named Maxim de Winter, whose first wife, Rebecca, mysteriously dies. Rebecca was praised by all of the workers in the house, which was called Manderley. Maxim’s new wife, whose name was never mentioned, was not able to make a personal connection with the workers there, and felt like they were out to get her. They were always comparing her to Rebecca and getting her into trouble with her new husband. When news comes out about finding Maxim's ex-wife’s dead body, the mystery becomes solved. The illuminating moment in Du Maurier’s Rebecca is the moment in which we find out how Rebecca actually died. Everyone thought that Rebecca drowned while out on her boat, and her body washed up onto shore. Maxim went in when they found the body and identified her as Rebecca. When they found a sunken boat with a body in it, Maxim was called back in for questioning. They found out that the body in the boat actually turned out to be Rebecca’s. This is the illuminating moment of the story because it is when the characters, as well as the reader find out what truly happened to Rebecca, and that the …show more content…

For Maxim and his wife, after finding out that he killed Rebecca, they take their relationship to the next level. In order to escape the accusations of everyone else, they decide to leave town. When they head back to Manderley to pack up, their house is in flames. Learning of Rebecca’s death is the illuminating moment because it takes Maxim and his wife’s relationship further. It causes them to look past the incident and makes their marriage stronger. She now knows that there is no reason to be jealous of Rebecca, and she no longer has the servants to taunt her about it. They find a new place to live with new people who know nothing about what

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