Loss Of Innocence In The Truman Show

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The ‘loss of innocence; refers to the change in an individual’s understanding of their life. This is usually caused, due to one’s keenness to learn more. The loss of innocence revolves around when one believes that the world is wonderful and then finding out that it is much darker than it was believed to be. In The Truman Show, Truman experiences a loss of innocence, as he realises the exploitation of his ‘happy’ life. This is largely due to the curiosity Truman develops because of the small realisations about the inconsistences in his world, “Seahaven”. In the mood in the opening part of the film is happy and joyful, “Look at that sunset, Truman. It’s perfect”. The setting “Seahaven”, is perfect, absolutely flawless however, throughout the film more flaws appear in the environment appear, which help the viewer understand Truman’s journey to realisation. …show more content…

Near the end of the film Truman has come to terms with the truth, and his doubts have turn to confirmations. Truman reconsiders his life experiences such as his marriage and the death of his father. The darker mood in the end of the film contrast the happy mood in the beginning. Truman’s realisation the world around him, transforms his world into a much darker place. At the realisation of the truth, Truman states “Somebody help me, I’m being spontaneous!”, the once flawless Seahaven turns into a city with nuclear leakages, traffic jams and accidents. Truman’s once wonderful world becomes much darker this is largely due his developed curiosity on the inconsistences in his “perfect”

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