Lord of the Flies

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The lord of the flies was written by William Golding a British philosopher who’s beliefs of human nature is that all humans are inherently evil and need rules to control their evilness. Golding’s lord of the flies is about a group of British school boys that survive a plane crash during world war two and end up on an island where they slowly start to forget their morals and turn into savages hunting carelessly and killing two of their own. Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a French philosopher who believes that all humans are inherently good and that society corrupts them which is contrary to Golding’s beliefs on human nature (Rousseau). I believe Rousseau’s philosophy because I believe that people can do much greater things then what society expects and that if people didn’t have to depend on society they would be less tempted to do wrong if they were allowed to be themselves.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a French philosopher in the 18th century that believed that humans are inherently good and that if humans went back to their natural state they would still be compassionate. Rousseau believes that society creates corruption and that if people are left alone they can do much greater things then what society wants. Rousseau believes that society makes you desire things that aren’t necessary and he also believes that the reason man turns savage is because it is only concerned about self-preservation, "let us conclude that, being self-sufficient and subject to so few passions, he could have no feelings or knowledge but such as befitted his situation". (Rousseau) Rousseau believes society causes people to make rules to judge themselves to the point were it ruins and confuses and makes them hide their true nature, "man frequently deviate...

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... in the novel because jack and his hunters were too concerned with finding meat to eat to preserve themselves rather than watching the fire so all of the boys could get rescued. Rousseau states that society makes you desire things that aren’t necessary for example the boys desire to hunt aimlessly lost their chance to be rescued because of their greed.
I believe Rousseau’s philosophy conserving human nature because I believe that people can do much greater things then what society expects and if people were not guided by society and societies prejudices they would be less tempted to do wrong if they were allowed to be themselves. I believe that society can help us be more productive but not necessarily better people. I also believe that without society we might be less productive but not less evil. In conclusion man is basically good even without society.

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