Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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The Truth about Good and Evil “The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man.” (Solzhenitsyn) Lord of the Flies is a famous allegory written by an author named William Golding. It was published in 1954. Lord of the Flies is about a group of boys that are stranded on an island. They are forced to work together in order to survive. In the beginning of the book, they actually had a good start for civilization, but throughout the book, each boy turns more and more savage by the minute. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding presents the idea that there is evil in everyone’s hearts, even if they’re a very good person. The whole tribe really loved and enjoyed killing pigs. Ralph hated that Jack and his hunters don’t do anything but hunt, but when he throws a spear at a pig, he feels excited and thinks hunting may not be bad after all: “He sunned himself in their new respect and felt that hunting may be good after all.” (Golding, 113) Ralph thought hunting was a VERY bad idea and they should only focus on the fire, but when the spear hit the pig’s snout Ralph immediately thought hunting may not be bad after all. That thrill and …show more content…

One cannot deny that this is pretty much correct. It is true that Ralph stood alone when everyone else was on Jack’s side. Nevertheless, Ralph did help in the act of killing Simon. Ralph still shows signs of evil and savagery. So everyone still have evil deep inside of them. Philip Zimbardo even said this during his TED talk about the Lucifer Effect: “So Milgram is quantifying evil as the willingness of people to blindly obey authority, to go all the way to 450 volts. And it's like a dial on human nature. A dial in a sense that you can make almost everybody totally obedient, down to the majority, down to none.” Therefore, there is still a darkness in everyone’s

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