Lord Of The Flies Fear Analysis

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Every day, all around the world every human being is forced to deal with their own personal terrors in their day to day life. In William Golding’s Lord of The Flies the boys are constantly surrounded by all their fears. Fear is a powerful emotion because it is capable of making us willing to resort to any means necessary to escape possible danger. This is shown when Jack uses fear to manipulate other children to gain power, the boys’ actions are controlled by their fears, which causes their view of reality to become distorted and the boys’ drift further away from their civilized nature to battle their fears. Jack uses fear as a way to manipulate the other kids into following his lead because he wants to gain power. Many of the boys …show more content…

When Sam and Eric are watching the fire, they find the dead parachutist and mistake him for the beast. Eric announces, “We’ve seen the beast with our own eyes. No - we weren’t asleep-” (Golding,109). The fact that the twins believe that what they saw was truly the beast shows that the boys have become so incredibly paralyzed by their fear of the beast that their imagination conjured a monster that the boys would find the most horrifying; a beast with wings, fur, teeth and claws. This is incredibly dangerous for the boys because they have been so overcome with fear that they can no longer trust what they see. Another instance of their sense of reality becoming skewed is when Simon thinks that the impaled, dead pig comes to life and speaks to him. The Lord of the Flies utters, “There isn’t anyone to help you. Only me. And I’m the Beast” (Golding,158). Simon thinking that the dead sow’s head is coming to life indicates that he has become overwhelmed by his fear of the beast. The fact that the beast lives within the boys and is impossible to kill instills a great amount of panic in Simon and even sends him unconscious. Additionally, another occurrence of altered reality is when the boys see Simon emerging in the darkness, think it is the beast and kill him. Golding demonstrates their misinterpretation in the following statement: “A thing was crawling out of the forest. It came darkly, uncertainly” (Golding, 168). Simon crawling out of the forest in the darkness shows how one might think he was the beast. Although Simon tries to share with the group what he’s learned and screams for mercy, the boys’ mind creates a frightening creature before their eyes and because they are plagued by fear, they brutally murder one of their own. Ultimately, the fear that the boys have twisted their brains into seeing scenarios that are not factual

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