Lord Of The Flies Chapter 1 Summary

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3 Questions- Questions

1.) At the end of chapter one in the novel, “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding, Jack hesitates to kill the piglet, therefore letting the piglet escape. After this happens, he gets angry and the book quotes- “Next time there will be no mercy.” Do you think this has any important significance in the development of the plot? If so, why is it important? If not, why do you think it isn’t important?

2.) In the novel, “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding, all the boys except Piggy and the littluns play a game. Robert is the “pig” and the rest are the “hunters”. But the boys take this game too far and hurt Robert as they are “killing” him like they would an actual pig. Ralph says it is “just a game”, but what do you think? …show more content…

They are terrified of the “beast from air”, which is actually just a dead pilot with a parachute, Ralph has entered the world of a hunter and enjoyed it, and the boys play a game where they hurt Robert. The boys also become more focused on the Beast, Simon reassures Ralph that they’ll be rescued, Ralph has a flashback about his parents, and Jack taunts Ralph about going to see the Beast at the top of the mountain.

At the beginning of chapter 6, the book says that the “beast from air” is a sign from the grown-up world. Only reading this once, I didn’t quite understand how the man with the parachute was a sign. He only caused the boys to become scared again and think he is the beast. That caused trouble (the boy’s game, Ralph and Jack fighting) and it didn’t seem like something helpful. So I reread the part when the man lands on the island and remembered that in chapter one the boys were flying in a plane when they crashed and their pilot said something about an “atom bomb”. This could hint that the man with the parachute was shot down in his plane, ejected and used his parachute, but still died. Maybe then it could be a sign that even the grown ups fight and anyone’s world is never

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