Lord Of The Flies And Cat's Crad Comparison Essay

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Lord of the Flies, Cat's Cradle, Animal Farm and Great Expectations are four books that you wouldn't typically group together. Lord of the Flies is a novel about a group of British schoolboys stranded on an island with no adults. Cat's Cradle follows a man named John who sets out on the task of writing a book about what important Americans were doing the day the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Animal Farm is about a farm where the animals run off the humans and run their own farm. Great Expectations follows a boy named Pip growing up and all of his endeavours. In all four novels characters are presented with new beginnings with their desires determining the course of events in each of the novels; however different factor such as definition …show more content…

In all four books share common theme of desire driving plot and their characters are presented with new beginnings. Each book has a different definition of human nature; in Lord of the Flies the characters have conscience of the intentions of their leaders, while in Animal Farm the characters do not and Cat’s Cradle and Lord of the Flies use different definitions of human nature. At beginning of year when the class read The Odyssey we were introduced to the term Bildungsroman, which is a coming of age story. Animal Farm which is a novel about order and social classes, Cat's Cradle which is a Sci-Fi novel, Great Expectations which is a coming of age story and Lord of the Flies which discusses the definition human nature are all examples Bildungsroman. Animal Farm is about the evolution of order on Animal Farm/Animal Farm. Cat's Cradle is about the evolution of the religious belief of John. Great Expectations is about the evolution of Pip growing up. Lord of the Flies is about the evolution of the way in which the boys on the island choose to conduct themselves. Each novel is a coming of age story in its own way.Making this connection shows how everything that has been learned this year in Ms. Gayle's class

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