Looking Glass Self Case Study

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1. Nature and Nurture: What do twin studies tell is about nature/nurture? Also, discuss the influence of heredity in explaining the process of one’s personality and intellectual development. Provide examples. -Twin studies tell us that genetic factors and their experience on socialization influence on how they develop as a person. For example something that can be heredity are their personality, voice patterns, nervous habits, and leadership or dominance tendencies. Now examples of an environmental factor for twins that have been separated at birth are their attitudes, partners, values, need for intimacy, comfort and assistance. 2. What is the self? According to Charles Horton Cooley, explain the ‘looking glass self’ (discuss the three phases). George Herbert Mad also discusses the stages of the self: identify differences between I and Me. What is meant by significant others? How are significant others related to the self? Identify Mead’s three-stage process of self-development. -The self is our perception of who we are. The ‘looking glass self’ is a theory that states that we become the person we are based on how we think other people see us. There are three stages to the process of …show more content…

Goffman’s four traits of total institutions are all aspects of life are conducted in the same place under the control of a single authority. Any activities within the institution are conducted in the company of others in the same circumstances. The authorities devise rules and schedule activities without consulting the participants. Lastly, all aspects of life within a total institution are designed to fulfill the goal of the organization. A degradation ceremony is used to humiliate a person because he/she is stripped down naked, they take away their jewelry and other personal belongings. These people have no self-motivation and the person becomes invisible to

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