Long-Term Goals

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Long-Term Goals; Beneficial or Stressful? Setting long-term goals can be confusing. Students can become stressed while setting these goals- but trying again is crucial to success. Scholars cannot give up; they should absolutely have long-term goals. Setting long-term goals is necessary because having an incentive to look forward to will keep students motivated. Goals can help students even after school, “A student’s ability to set and achieve realistic goals is linked to higher grades, lower college-dropout rates, and greater well-being in adulthood” (Shellenbarger). It is directly stated that having goals is constructive and valuable to have as students. The key to success isn’t just setting goals; it’s having the motivation to achieve them. …show more content…

Teaching students how to set and achieve goals has proven to raise test scores and state ratings. This is evidence that explicitly shows how setting goals effects student’s futures. Having a target to work towards helps spark an energy that helps scholars reach that target. For example, if a student’s long-term goal is to be a doctor, that student needs to graduate high school, pick and graduate from a college, and find a place to work. But, to graduate high school, there will be hard trials and things students think that they cannot handle. There will also be temptations to go to make bad decisions, but if the student wants to be a doctor, they can stand against those things because they have motivation to achieve their goals and know it will affect their ability to get into college and get a job. Some say that long-term goals can stress kids out, but really, it doesn't stress them out, it gives them a happy ending to work towards. Even at a young age, we are taught that, “If you can dream it, you can do it” (Walt Disney). Success comes to those who want it most, and setting long-term goals helps along the way. If students don't have anything to work toward, why work? Having goals gives students enough reason to work toward something big. In conclusion, students who set long-term goals prove to

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