Long Term Effects Of Fear Essay

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From a younger age to now, many people continue to suffer from different fears, phobias, and anxiety disorders but most hide their darkest fears with their unshareable secrets to refrain from the unavoidable comments. Fear is a human feeling that is activated by an apparent danger; it is a fundamental survival system that flags our bodies to react to fear with a battle or flight reaction. Sights, sounds and other logical subtle elements of fear occasionally may bring back the memory, similar to a triggering effect. These may be triggered by a past event, so the brain may consider the sounds to be an indicator of danger.
The impact of living under a constant fear cannot only exhaust a person who is suffering from an anxiety disorder or a phobia …show more content…

Their memory can be harmed due to the arrangement of long-haul recollection, causing harm to certain parts of the brain. Along with memory, brain processing and reactivity is affected by altering your reasoning and basic leadership in negative ways, abandoning your conscience. When one’s mental health is at risk, many long-term consequences such as fatigue, clinical depression, and/or PTSD affect the person greatly. ( the University of Minnesota, Impact of Fear and Anxiety). When managing fear, individuals like to take matters into their own hands by utilizing destructive propensities, for instance, they may begin drinking more alcohol or taking narcotics; sleep does not wipe out negative feelings and difficult minutes settled in our memory or lessen the danger of post-traumatic stress (PTSD). Yet, insights demonstrate that roughly 80% of those presented to injury won't experience the ill effects of PTSD. Studies additionally propose that socialization and communicating feelings have a reassuring impact. Being diagnosed with a phobia can be a challenge of your daily living, regardless of whether the situation or circumstance does

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