Loneliness In Her By Theodore Twombly

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OS for Loners Carl Jung once said, “Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible.” Jung and Jonze together share the same idea about how people fail to communicate with others, and then they isolate themselves from society. The result is hopelessness and unhappy life, and that idea is also demonstrated clearly in the movie, Her. In Her movie by Spike Jonze, Theodore Twombly, an introverted man, falls in love with his female OS1, Samantha. Twombly is struggling to escape the loneliness during the divorce process with his wife, Catherine. His life gradually fades out until he meets Samantha, …show more content…

The author initiates a crowded background. There are so many scenes where the main actor appears to many people, but the interesting thing is that people around him are not in the middle of any conversation. They just walk by the screen. They smile and talk to themselves. They don’t even really a look at things and people surrounding them. Elders, who are not familiar with modern technology, would find it weird, but the rest, who cannot live without cell phones and computers, does not. Because of the development of technology, those odd actions become understandable. Technology makes everything in touch in just a few clicks, and it helps people become more independent and less relying on social connections. As a result, people in the movie tend to talk with a computer rather than to others. This background allows Twombly to talk alone, smile alone, and do crazy things with Samantha in public places without drawing any attention. In other words, Twombly is not an unusual where he lives. K.K. Barrett, production designer, said: “We wanted everything to be very comfortable, and this was the way to do that. This is a story about a man fighting his own loneliness. We didn’t want him fighting his world.” Since Twombly is so similar to everyone else, his loneliness is shared by his …show more content…

There are many close shots which would make audience stay focus on the main character, and as the result, the background would be ignored, and since the audience only sees one main character in almost every scene in the movie, the lonesomeness inside them somehow has been evoked. Besides, light effect of the movie does its best in providing enough light for the scenes without making the audience become too excited. Hoyte van Hoytema, the cinematographer of the movie said he “wanted to avoid certain light source,” his team “were also trying to create a very comfortable L.A. So it’s very much chasing the sun and capture moments in which the light is most gentle toward the city.” Anyone who has seen the movie would say that it is not a so dark movie, but also not too bright. The movie team tried its “bestest” to create a “gentle” background for the movie in which the light is strictly controlled so that the loneliness theme of the movie will not fade away. In addition, framing does a great job in illustrating the lonely atmosphere of the movie. Even though the movie is all about love relationship between Twombly and Samantha, Twombly is the only focus point of the movie. We do not often see Samantha, and the movie does not even want to show the screen of “her,” the device. This is an intention. The author wants to show us a beautiful relationship between Samantha and Twonbly, but realistically we all

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