Loisel's Loss Of Wealth In The Necklace

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In The Necklace Mathilde Loisel puts her family in debt because of a necklace that she borrowed and lost. Loisel’s life is surrounded by prosperous high standing people, while she on the other hand is poor. Her husband tries to give her whatever she desires, but it’s not good enough for her. Loisel wants to be like the people surrounding her, wealthy, happy, and living life at it’s fullest. She believes that for her to be like that, it would require a lot of money. While trying to look wealthy like the others she ends up being in debt for a necklace that she lost, which causes her to turn out even more poor than when she started.
While trying to impress people at the party her husband was invited to, she spends a lot of money on a dress so she wouldn’t look different …show more content…

She thought now that her debt was all payed off, she wouldn’t mind telling her what happened. “I brought you another just like it. And we’ve been paying for it for ten years now. You can imagine it wasn’t easy for us who had nothing. Well, it’s over now, and I’m glad of it”(Maupassant 233). As Forestier smiles, she tells Loisel it was worth way less than what she paid for, since the necklace she borrowed was nothing more than a fake. She made herself miserable, when all she had to do was tell her the truth. Mathilde Loisel ends up in huge debt for not telling Forestier the truth about the lost necklace. If she would’ve just confessed to Madame Forestier, she wouldn’t have ended up so poor and miserable. When she puts her family in debt, she blames Forestier that she ended up that way. At the end, telling the truth to Forestier was the better option. She was poor, hopeless, and even in the end she ended up with nothing. It really wouldn’t have been such a big deal since the fake necklace was no more than five hundred francs, which was nothing to Madame Forestier. Poor Loisel is she had only given her the

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