Loisel Is To Blame In The Necklace By Guy De Maupassant

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In this short story, “The Necklace”, by Guy de Maupassant, Mme. Loisel is to blame for the disaster that occurred. As evidence and several reasonings have shown, Mme. Loisel indeed is the reason Mme. Forestier’s necklace is lost. For example, Mme. Loisel is not happy in any way with her life and what her family can and can not afford. Her husband can afford a roof over their heads and food on the table but Mme. Loisel still insists a desperate change. “It annoys [her] to not have a single jewel, not a single stone, nothing to put on” (Maupassant 2). In other words, Mme. Loisel takes her life for granted when her and her family already have everything they need. As well, she is very irresponsible about keeping the pendant around her neck throughout

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