Loblaw Companies Limited: Case Study

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Loblaw Companies Limited manages several subsidiaries and many stores in Canada and The United States, as a result, the Board of Directors play a crucial role in overseeing the effective management of the company. The Board regularly reviews management’s strategic plans and monitor performance of management against approved objectives. The Board also manages Loblaw’s approach to corporate governance, and makes sure the Corporation accurately provides information to shareholders and the public. The Board makes sure the senior management engages in ethical and legal conduct and maintain a culture of integrity. The responsibilities of the Board include: Define shareholders expectations and monitor corporate performance, establish strategic goals, performance objective and operational policies, delegate management authority to the executive chairman, monitor financial disclosure, monitor enterprise risk management, oversee effective external communications, monitor corporate governance, and monitor corporate social responsibility, integrity, and ethics. …show more content…

The five committees The Board has established to enhance the effectiveness of Loblaw Management are: The Audit Committee, the Governance, Employee Development, Nominating and Compensation Committee, the Environmental, Health and Safety Committee, the Pension Committee, and the Executive

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