Living In Memphis, Tennessee

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Memphis is the second largest city in Tennessee after Nashville. It has a population of around 1.4 million people. Memphis is located on the Mississippi River in the south-western corner of Tennessee. It is a major commercial and industrial center and is also one of the principal wholesale and retail cities in South Tennessee.

What is it like to live in Memphis TN?

Here is some information about living in Memphis, TN:

Vibrant Downtown: Over the past two decades, downtown Memphis has rejuvenated itself. Tall, office buildings are a prime feature of Memphis' skyline. Modern day urbanization now interlocks with several large parks within the city limits. There are walking pathways which offer breathtaking views of the waterways and some of …show more content…

Bluff city is a national transportation hub and it has one of the busiest airports in the country. However, Interstate 40 and Interstate 55 can get congested at times but that is understandable since Memphis is a major commercial center. However, getting around in Memphis is never a problem. Because the roads are often congested, many people travel by bike. There are over 400 miles of bike friendly lanes all over the city. This also helps people remain fit, enjoy nature and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

Food Mecca: Memphis is the Mecca of foods. You can find all types of food, especially barbecue specialties. Almost every weekend, people flock to restaurants all over the city to eat spicy hot barbecued ribs, pork, chicken and all types of seafood. Once you taste this food, you will become an addict. If you hate barbecues, fear not. Memphis is a cosmopolitan city with a multicultural population offering diverse cuisine to match any food craving.

Fun & Entertainment: There is a lot more to downtown Memphis than Beale Street. Memphis is home to several theaters, breweries, drive-in theaters and music rooms. Downtown also has many places where you can shop, relax and just have …show more content…

Not only will you find folk and country music here, but this city is also the center of Jazz and Blues. Almost every weekend there are music festivals and outdoor concerts which will ramp up your energy and will make you wish you could live here forever.

Beer: Memphis is famous for its local breweries. No matter where you go, you will never find any shortage of beer. The city’s local breweries make some of the finest tasting beer in this part of the country.

Cost of living: Memphis is also great place to live in because it is more affordable compared to cities like Los Angeles, New York, Washington DC, Dallas or Nashville. Homes are relatively cheap and there is no state income tax.

Jobs and Opportunities: Jobs are easy to come by in Memphis. FedEx runs it national and international delivery service from Memphis International Airport. The city also has a booming tourist industry which offers jobs in entertainment and tourism. Finally, Memphis is a major commercial and industrial center and offers ample opportunities for career growth and

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