Liverpool Essay

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Liverpool has been referred to as the core city of Merseyside conurbation in the north west of England. In this essay I will consider the effect of local and global interactions that have produced this image of the city and how the city has come to be the place that we see today. I will explore the declines and booms of the city's economy and citizen’s welfare and feelings. Liverpool is unlike other UK cities, not only does it have a local and national image, it also has global recognition. It is a city that has had different functions from the slave trade to industry; it has developed its infrastructure and physical appearance in conjunction with these changes. These physical changes were accompanied with the changing feelings of citizens. I will look at what the future of Liverpool is and if global or local processes will change the function of the city once more.

Liverpool’s development was perhaps not by choice, as with many routes to economic boost, it was on the basis of suffering, exploitation and oppression. Liverpool became the centre of slave trade within the UK when Britain colonised the Americas and the West Indies. Merchant capitalism was established and Liverpool’s geographical position on the River Mersey was of benefit to the city and its people. The location meant it was the second city of the British Empire, highlighting the city’s importance at the time. Liverpool expanded in the late 18th and early 19th century as a result of the slave trade and this was evident in the infrastructure. The working class were settled along the river for easy access to the docks and the middle classes were further inland, uphill and consequently and possibly by choice, separated by class (Sykes, O., 2013). Further to this, the m...

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... city or rather many worlds in one city? Although it is estimated that 12,000 jobs were created, the lack of funding lead to the cutting of 200 jobs and putting property and land up for sale as well as halting councillors allowances and privatising social services. Funding was very sporadic with £75.1 million from the council, £30.8 million from the public, £12.5 million from commercial programming and £4 million from sales of merchandise. Following the successful bid, funding repercussions meant that in August 2009, the city was in £90 million of debt. Questions were asked about the efficiency of expenditure on initiatives such as Four Corners which aimed to incorporate locals in the bid and to improve community lifestyle (Boland, P., 2010).

Further to lack of funding, poor support and criticisms, not all people feel they have benefited from the successful bid.

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