Little Mermaid Comparison

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Fairytale Endings: Not Always Happily Ever After The ideal fairytale ending includes the Prince falling in love with the Princess, likewise the Princess falling in love with the Prince, them getting married and living Happily. Ever. After. The Disney franchise loves a good fairytale ending, and so do the young audience members, but the original stories end a little differently. This is especially the case in The Little Mermaid. The Disney’s Little Mermaid, released in 1989, ended with Prince Eric and Princess Ariel getting married after he realised that it was her all along. The original story ends a little differently through, with the Prince marrying someone else and the Little Mermaid ceases to be. Happily ever after is not always as easy …show more content…

Disney is marketed for young children, they are a franchise that makes numerous animated movies and shows specifically for young audiences. With that being said, it should not be a surprise to the older audience that they took this realistic original story and turned it into what their audience wants: a fairytale. Young children do not need to have realistic anything because their imaginations are so wild. In the movie their are extra characters, Sebastian and Flounder, which add a proper storyline to the movie and provide some comic relief. The Little Mermaid, like any other young child, wanted something. When she did not get what she wanted she threw a fit and rebelled until she made her dad see her side of the story. This is very realistic and it is also a common thread through most of the other Disney movies as well. The young girl rebels against authority and ends up getting what she wanted in the end. She wanted to be human so Prince Eric would fall in love with her and she got her wish. However, in the original story, the little mermaid did not get what she wanted. In fact, she gave up everything for her love to marry someone else. In this way the mood is very dark and somber. In the beginning it was light when they were describing the garden and the visits to the surface, but when she made the deal with the sea witch it started to change. It went from kind of foreshadowing that something was going to change, to dark and eery within a few paragraphs. After her deal with the Sea Witch is done and she has the thing she wanted most, her feet, she cannot celebrate long because every step she takes on her new feet will feel “as if you were treading upon sharp knives, and that the blood must

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