Little Bee One Pager

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The themes of hatred and judgment are shown all throughout Little Bee. Whether it’s Lawrence’s threats, the carelessness of the detention officers, or the sideways glances from the relatives at Andrew’s funeral, Little Bee is always in the middle of some kind of judgment. However, there is one character that shows pure love and understanding for Little Bee, no matter her exterior or culture. Charlie O’Rourke may be considered naïve, but it’s his naivety that allows him to see past the discrimination Little Bee receives. He is the prime example of how children are often blind to this type of abhorrence. Charlie gives the readers insight into this phenomenon by allowing Little Bee to comfort him and by finally removing his Batman costume. Just like any typical four year old, Charlie is a crier. Sarah is often able to stop his tantrums, but only on the surface. Once Little Bee finds her way into the O’Rourke’s story, we find out how much is actually going on in Charlie’s brain. The first example of this is at Andrew’s funeral. In a fit of anger and confusion, Charlie falls into the gra...

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