Literary Analysis Of Roman Fever

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“Roman Fever” is about two mothers on a trip to Rome with their daughters. The Women’s names are Alida Slade and Grace Ansley. The author develops the plot in a way as to unfold the story through the dialogue between the characters. The whole story is spent with the two women sitting in a restaurant on the outskirts of a Roman village. As they converse in the story the author begins to build a bit of tension between the two women. While they talk about their daughters and their personal lives they come to realize that they actually do not know much about each other. Edith Wharton, the author of “Roman Fever” does an excellent job of making the characters in the story relatable to real life.

Wharton reveals that Alida has always been jealous of her friend Grace. While they do in fact come from the same social class Alida had always thought that Grace had something better than her. Wharton later reveals that Alidia’s jealousy goes even farther back, into their youth. Wharton uses the conversation between the two women in the story to reveal that Alida had forged a letter from her ...

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