Lisa Parker Snapping Beans

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The Truth of Small Town Living: An Explication of Lisa Parker’s “Snapping Beans” In the poem “Snapping Beans,” by Lisa Parker, there is a common recurrence of desolation. Parker conveys this message through her use of metaphors and through the symbols that she uses. In this narrative poem, a young small town girl, who is on a break from college, in visiting with her grandmother. The two seem to have a close relationship, but when the grandmother asks the speaker about school, instead of telling her the truth, she says that everything is fine. This causes the speaker to be upset. The tone Parker conveys throughout this poem is frustration. The speaker wishes to share her experiences with her grandmother that she loves dearly, but she refrains for the fear of upsetting her. The speaker feels overwhelmed by her college experiences, because she is learning all these different things. Throughout lines 16 and 32, she goes into detail about her life at college. She is reluctant to inform her grandmother of the happenings at college because they go against everything she …show more content…

This sounds like a giant paradox, but that is what the author intended to do. She is confused about how to feel about all the new things around her, but she is happy because she is learning new things. She is being pushed out of her comfort zone and challenged out of her limits. A part of the text proves this, “how I was tearing, splitting myself apart / with the slow-simmering guilt of being happy / despite it all.”(lines 36-38). The ending of this poem is all one large metaphor. When the hickory leaf is mentioned, it symbolizes the speaker; she is the hickory leaf. While the leaf is hanging and green, it symbolizes the speaker being home for the summer. In addition, when the poem talks of the leaf blowing loose, it symbolizes the speaker leaving for

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