Liposuction Essay

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In our society today, there are many people that are overweight and want to lose weight fast. Some people consider liposuction, a technique in cosmetic surgery for removing excess fat from under the skin by suction. It is the most popular form of cosmetic surgery, and both men and women are using liposuction. It was introduced in 1982, and liposuction’s popularity increased as they improved the technique, and the recovery time. In 2002, there were 372,831 liposuction procedures performed in the United States, approximately 13% of all plastic surgical procedures. Now most liposuction surgeries are being done as outpatient surgeries, so after the surgery the patient can go back home. To some patients this might be beneficiary, since they don’t have to take so much time of work, or have kids that they need to take care of. The shorter the recovery time the faster the person can go back to their daily activities. Liposuction techniques may be used to reduce localized fat deposits of the thighs, hips, buttocks, Abdomen, waist, upper arms, back, inner knee, chest area, cheeks, chin and …show more content…

The majority of the people when they hear liposuction they think it’s a method to get skinny. Liposuction is intended to reduce and smooth the contours of the body and improve a person 's appearance. So yes it can help you make your body look better. Liposuction is not intended as a weight reduction technique, mainly removes the fat that can’t be removed by diet and exercise. Liposuction has a limit in how much fat can be removed. The average amount of fat removed is about a quart (liter). So liposuction does not cure obesity. Also although liposuction is not intended to remove cellulite (lumpy fat), some doctors believe that it improves the appearance of areas that contain cellulite, including thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, and chin. So it is not for sure that the cellulitis well look better or go away it’s just the point of view of some

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