Lincoln's Pursuit of Success

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Lincoln’s Pursuit of Success

Abraham Lincoln’s life was full of tragedies and losses. He experienced many stages of depression because of the many tragedies. However, this did not prevent him from being one of the most successful men ever to live. In the end, he always seemed to find a way to look past these terrible things. He never gave up on what he loved doing and that is why he became one of the greatest presidents ever. Abraham Lincoln overcame loss by working hard, finding hope, and paying off his debts.

Abraham wouldn’t have made it anywhere without working hard from day one. Lincoln’s family did not have much money and he was needed at the cabin for work. This did not stop him from learning new things because he knew an education was the key to having a successful life. He was forced to educate himself. Lincoln actually only had about one year of formal education in his life at school (Mcgovern 2). To educate himself, he would absorb what he read and apply it to things in his life. He read books constantly because he knew that if he wanted to make it anywhere he would need to be well educated (Mcgovern 2). His determination for learning never stopped, even though he had no one to teach him. He didn’t need much of an education at a school because his work ethic was so high. This proves that even though he didn’t have an education at a school, he kept working hard by reading books to better himself every day. This may seem hard, but Lincoln was always ready for a challenge to overcome. Reading books to educate himself was better for him because he could take things away from the books easier. This is why some say he was one of the smartest presidents ever.

Even though Lincoln did become a great president, it was a lo...

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... is known by many as the best president ever to live, but many really don’t know what he had to conquer to get to that point. His life was full of obstacles that very few could overcome. However, Lincoln always made it seem easy to overcome these obstacles. Because of his good character and will to succeed, he was loved and supported by many. He was a loyal man that never gave up on anything that he started. This is why he is and will forever be known as “Honest Abe.

Works Cited

“American President: Abraham Lincoln.” Miller Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014

Holzer, Harold. “Lincoln, Abraham.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2014. Web. 3 April 2014

Kostyal, K.M. Abraham Lincoln's Extraordinary Era: The Man and His Times. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2009. Print.

McGovern, George S. Abraham Lincoln. New York: Times/ Henry Holt, 2009. Print.

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