Examining Perspectives on Wealth and Philanthropy

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There is a saying that suggest “A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money”. So often people are judged for the amount of money they have or for the materialistic things that they may or may not have. We see charity’s and fundraisers daily raising money to help not only the poor but it some cases it could be the rich. Most people often say the rich stay rich because they do not want to give up their money to help with the poor. In “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor” by: Garrett Hardin and “A Modest Proposal” by: Jonathan Swift their views on the rich helping the poor are vastly different due to personal experiences, logic, and ultimately everyday life. First, helping the poor is a quality that could be life changing …show more content…

It is everyday life for people. Swift realized that when he experienced being poor himself. He decided he wanted to make a difference. “But my intention is very far from being confined to provide only for the children of professed beggars; it is of a much greater extent, and shall take in the whole number of infants at a certain age who are born of parents in effect as little able to support them as those who demand our charity in the streets” (Swift 385) Swift is not confined to just helping one person he wants to help all no matter the cost. The rich helping the poor would help build new programs to fund for shelter, foodbanks, and clothing. Hardin however does not support the idea of the rich helping the poor “For the foreseeable future, our survival demands that we govern our actions by the ethics of a lifeboat, harsh though they may be.” (Hardin 182) Hardin clearly disagrees with the rich helping the poor and with any government assistance. Although people do take advantage of assistance programs, there are people who genuinely need help. So why should the rich not help these people? Hardin will probably never see eye to eye on the rich helping the poor. All in all, everybody at some point in time in life is probably going to need help in some way or another. The rich helping the poor is just a way of life. There are benefits that could come out of it with new programs that could help with less fortunate people. With new guidelines in place and requirements to receive the assistance programs maybe things would run more smoothly. Although Hardin and Garrett did not see eye to eye they both made valid points on how they felt on the rich helping the poor. There thoughts were expressed through life experiences, logic, and everyday

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