Letter To Sensory Processing Disorder

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My oldest son was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in 2008. Due to his sensory issues at the time, he was really struggling just to get through the day. All I could think of back then was what my son's future was going to look like. Well, here we are 8 years later and he has surpassed every single hope and dream I ever had for him. It's been a long hard road to get here. I've learned a lot along the way. I know many of you are going through the same things that I went through back in 2008. I wanted to write this letter to my younger self in hopes it will help you if you’re going through similar struggles in your life right now. Dear 2008 Kelly, First and foremost it’s so important for me to tell you that you are not a failure …show more content…

It’s ok because this is all a part of what things feel like they’re falling apart, but are really falling together. You start taking care of yourself again. You don’t get better overnight, but you do get your mojo back over time. Had you not stopped taking care of yourself, you wouldn’t understand the true importance of daily self-care. You’ve learned you can’t be a good mother, wife, or friend if you’re not a good “YOU” first. You’re now committed to making sure you make yourself a priority too. Part of your self-care is knowing that you’re a multifaceted person.... you need different things to fill you up. No one person can fulfill every need that you have and you should not expect them to. You have other interests and people to keep you balanced and happy. (Note: Balance comes from accepting the fact that things won’t be perfectly balanced. Life is always ebbing and flowing.) Go on those girls’ weekends. They will be nourishment for your soul. You’re going to meet so many wonderful people along the way. It’s going to take you some trials and errors, but eventually you find your team of people that help your children and your family. Once you find them, you all begin to instantly thrive. As your family member’s needs change the team evolves with it. The core members we be there through it

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