Letter To Go To College Essay

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The name is Giudice, Garrett Giudice. I’m writing this letter today in hopes to convince you that that I would be a productive student at your University. I know your University holds an expectation and growth and achievement, I believe that I fit that description this is why. At a very young age I began to work, I think it was around the age of twelve. That might sound a little crazy in this day and age, but it 's true. My parents always told me if I wanted something I 'd have to go and get it, at that time I thought they were relating that statement to that awesome toy I wanted, but little did I know they were setting me for really life. My parents, were high school sweethearts and were married right out of high school, they began their …show more content…

I completely agree with this statement, I know college is crucial to my future, especially since my life goal is to be comfortable financial wise. I’ve seen my parents struggle with money, raising six kids the budget gets tight, and my dad never got a college degree so he had to prove to his employer that he could make it for their company. Hence forth he did climb the food chain as fast as everyone else, but he got there it just took a little more time and effort. I admire what my dad did for his family, how he stepped up and took control over his life. He didn’t have the option to go to college my mom and dad where getting ready to welcome their first kid into the world shortly after their high school graduation, so he had to go out find a job. There’s nothing wrong with what he did, but my dad and I both agree there’s better ways to go about making a life for yourself and possibly a family. That is why I feel a burden to get a college education, it’s almost like if I do what he didn’t have the choice to do, then it’s like he did it to. Because he pour his time and effort into raising us so whatever I do he’s a part of it. That might sound weird, but that is how I feel, attending your university would create a sense of accomplishment for my dad and I. It’s like the saying your choice whether good or bad have an effect on somebody every time. That is why I would like to attend your university I hope you consider everything I’ve said, thank you for your time and the

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