Leslie Pietrzyk Process Analysis

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This reading process was really great at mentally challenging the mind. Particularly, the part of the process where we had to underline the content of the short story that was abstruse. In fact, it helped me grab a better understanding of the short story. However, after I scrutinized the story more during the second reading, I found myself feeling as if I really did not understand the book. This probably occurred because I was looking to deep and made the story into something that it was not. On the other hand, this process did help me to look at matters more profoundly. Personally, I would not recommend this process to anyone. For one thing, I feel as if that a story is a source of fulfilment. For instance, every individual can pull a totally different perspective on one matter. Such as one person seeing a glass half empty, yet another could see it half full. It all goes the same with reading in my eyes. In other words, comprehending books do not have to be taken so seriously because books are a work of art. Art is put out in the universe not to be followed by rules, but to be buoyant. The story Pompeii ,by Leslie Pietrzyk, is about a couple by the names of Phil and Beth. The whole story took place in their bed while they were wrapped in each other’s arms. All you could feel was the love and the strong want that …show more content…

It lead to me to getting a more fine understanding of the story. For example, reading the book the second time made me realize that this book is a fantasy that they’re dwelling in. That Pompeii isn’t a real place, but it is what every human quinches to grab, satisfaction in life. Although this may be true, Beth reminds Phil that “we’re not in ancient Pompeii. We’re not even in modern-day Pompeii.” This quote was powerful to me because it is indubitable, by virtue of no one reaching ultimate satisfaction on this Earth. Even they are laying in bed having an affair, to what my knowledge

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