Lelouch Vi Britannia Analysis

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The exiled prince Lelouch Vi Britannia could be considered as a “Machiavellian” character who uses whatever means necessary regardless of morals to attain his goal of destroying the Britannian empire. Over the course of the series, he has manipulated all of his allies through the use of his Geass power. In the beginning, Lelouch was given a supernatural power, by an immortal witch, that compels those he directly looks at to do anything he command. With his newly acquired power, Lelouch is able to begin his quest to destroy his former nation. His first step in his plan is to create an army that would be able to take on the technologically advanced Britannians. He dons a mask to hide his true identity and as Zero become the leader of the resistance …show more content…

He has used his Geass power to kill countless people during the entire series. He understood that death and violence is necessary in rebellion and that only through destruction, he will be able to create a gentler world. He once said, "I must spill yet more blood, so the blood already spilt will not be in vain.” Lelouch offers the viewer insight into the methodology of revolutionary leaders depicting what occurs when the interest of the leader does not always align with that of the …show more content…

The Viceroy, Prince Clovis, eventually ordered a massacre of all in the Ghetto to coverup the missing immortal witch he was researching on. Once the Britannian government completed their massacre of the Ghetto they manipulated the media to make it seem like they were fighting the terrorist. This is the first depiction of media manipulation in the series, and shows how tyrannical governments use the media outlets to control information and shape perception. When the Black Knights recruited members to join the organization Zero was particularly interested in a Britannian press staffer, who quits his job to work under Zero. Diethard Ried acts at the head of information and public relations for the Black Knights. He is a master of controlling information, creating a cult of personality behind Zero that spreads throughout the world. As Britannia labels Zero as a rebel terrorist, Diethard creates a narrative that portrays him a the savior of Japan, the one who will liberate the world. He exclaims that, “There is no such thing as objective information, Zero. Journalism is, after all, a human creation.” The overt media manipulation in Code Geass is a lesson to its viewers to be wary of the way one gets their information and the intent it

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