Leisure Lead Observation: Ballet

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Leisure Lead Final Paper
My leisure lead activity that I chose was Ballet. The primary reason that I chose to present about ballet was because it is something that I grew to be very passionate about. I started dancing when I was three years old and have been doing ballet since that very first year. Another reason I chose this as my topic was because I have a lot of knowledge about ballet since I danced for 15 straight years and therefore have a lot of experience with this activity.
To prepare for this presentation, I did some research about ballet that I did not know before, for example, I had to search the history of ballet because that was a topic of ballet that I was not too familiar with. I found all this information on famous or trustworthy ballet websites. The information that I did find, I then read on multiple websites to be sure that the information I was going to present in my presentation was reliable and accurate. Also, I practiced my presentation several times to be sure that I knew the information when I went up to present for the class. A final thing …show more content…

Many people said that my presentation, or PowerPoint, was clear and had quality slides. A few of the points that I personally did well on were being knowledgeable about the topic, speaking loud, and presenting the ballet positions well. Some things that I was told that I needed to improve upon included slowing down the rate at which I spoke, making more eye contact, and reading less off the slides. To improve on these three skills for future presentations, I will be sure to breathe when speaking to slow down how fast I speak. I will also practice future presentations while focusing on looking away from the slides and looking off into the audience. If I think about and practice all these things before the my presentation, I will improve immensely on my speaking skills and will feel more confident in future speeches and

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