Legislative Branch In Healthcare

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Introduction: When it comes to healthcare in the US there are many facets. Most understand that you have the field where women and men are tirelessly coming to work whether it be clinics, hospitals or doctor’s offices to care for patients in direct care. While there are CEO’s, VP’s, management and all sorts of employees on the front line to make sure that direct patient care happens, there is also another side that address the United States healthcare in a politics area that includes policies and many other dimensions. That is when we discuss acts, reforms and many other different things such as Obama Care, all which are generally very controversy for multiple reason. The World Health Organization ranks the United States healthcare system as …show more content…

There is a process where the bills are presented and considered which may eventually be approved as laws, this is what is mainly the process for the Legislative Branch. There are Senators and Assembly Members that represent the states. The Legislation usually begins with a theory or new idea, the process can begin when a Senator or an Assembly Member choose to Author a bill. Usually the Legislature will send the idea of the bill to the Legislative Counsel where it is written up into an actual bill and then returned to the Legislature for an introduction. Depending on whom the author is that is how it is …show more content…

You’d have to have a good understanding of the framework and how policies are created and how they ultimately affect people whether negative or positive. While there are many things one could address with the Healthcare system and the government, a main thing to focus on is policies and how the different facets that were mentioned above can have an impact. The Government can affect the Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register, Policies and regulations, Office of management and budget, Codes and Health Reform. The most known healthcare reform is Obama Care, which is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The purpose of Obamacare was to make insurance affordable for individual people to purchase health insurance, it is mainly for a small groups and people whom would pay for their own insurance. This law requires all Americans to have health insurance. The reason why it is so controversial is because Republicans say the law imposes lots of cost on businesses and an unwarranted intrusion on people’s affairs and private small businesses. It also has a lot of flaws that the courts can’t seem to agree on, for example the courts changed the ways that the states administer Medicaid. Also, premiums for individuals are rising and many insurance companies are backing out. Many times, the Democrats have tried to fix and push through fixes that would alleviate some of the problems,

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