Legalizing Drugs

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When considering the usage of drugs, some people can relate it to many social issues. Governments from many countries come up with many ways to penalize illegal drug usage. In fact, more problems have started to appear and currently some people consider that the legalization of addictive drugs could be one of the new solution to these problems. From the perspective of economists, drug could be treated as another product and legalizing them is reasonable. The consequences caused by taking drugs could also be solved in much easier way than now. The social problems could be reduced and it could be a better solution for governments. This essay will discuss why it is good to solving social problems by legalizing drugs base on the possible result …show more content…

In the same year of the first prohibition started, an innocent woman was killed during a crossfire between drug dealers. (Ostrowski, 1989) Although prohibition stopped some sudden irrational users from attempting usage, it caused many social issues and deaths at that time. People started to realize the problems which is caused by this new policy. When the potential consumers and current consumers were suddenly banned from getting products, the dealing was driving underground. (Ostrowski, 1989) The underground market does not have proper control and fixed process of solving dispute which means the non-violent way will be replaced by violence. Also, the strict control boost the price of drugs. People will spend nearly 90 percent more on illegal drugs without contribute any of them to the economy as a whole(Ostrowski, 1989). When people have made their decision irrationally and want to buy drugs when they are banned, other form of crime will occur like robbery, holding illegal guns, unlawful trading. Without proper processes and instructions, using drugs can also …show more content…

About $70 billion dollars are spent on prohibition (Ostrowski, 1989). To limit drugs, other methods need to be acquired, in other words, same as what it is like now for other addictive product like cigarette or alcohol (Miron, 2011). At the same time, the educational program provided by government have proved to be less effective. Like with prohibition, although the irrational first users were stopped, current users have a high chance to relapse after withdraw. The compelled withdraw can stimulate people’s emotions and suppress their desires. The relapse can be worse and their reaction will be more aggressive. At the same time, each time of withdraw will increase people’s tolerance on the drug which means the next time they use it they will demand more to reach satisfaction. The direct result of over using of drug is the damage on human’s organ which also affect the normal living ability of people including working ability. Once people’s loss of working ability and over spending of money cannot be make up, they will obtain drugs through illegal ways which may cause sever social problems. In seeking new ways of solving problems, economists provided a new perspective. They suggest that when considering drugs as a product, comparing with other product like coffee, alcohol, high calorie food, the harm they

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