Legal Voting Age

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Eler 2
Have you ever had a time when you felt that you never had a say in society? If so, there is a way to change that. Legal Voting age should be lowered to the age of 16. There has never been a greater time to change the legal voting age to 16. How come we let unknowledgable adults vote, but not smart and engaged teens? Teen voices tend to get blocked out while the adults get to speak freely. If we as a society change our voting age to 16, many positive events will occur. For example, Voter turnout will increase, teens will be more engaged in politics and in the world around them, and young people will earn a chance to speak up and have a say in what is best for their future.
To begin, letting teens vote grants them a say in what they think is best for their future. We trust them to drive, we should trust that they are mature enough to vote. "I think kids nowadays have greater maturity than we give them credit for and they have greater access to knowledge and information than what we did in my generation," ("CBC News," 2015). If we lower the voting age for our teens, they will finally have a chance to speak up and share their ideas, thoughts, and what they think is best for the people around them and the rest of the country. Lowering …show more content…

Canada should lower the voting age to 16 because voting age will increase, this will happen because teens will develop a habit of voting. As well as teens will finally have a say on how their future will turn out. Last but not least, the youth will become more interested and engaged in politics, students study politic in school and they all want to know what their future will be like. We can make this happen. We can finally make teens feel valued in our country. We can write letters to the municipal office and get their attention, then later we can expand then get the Federal office's attention. If we do this, we will surely make a change in many people's

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