Legal Letter

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The Oregon, High, and School Legal Firm (OHSLF) and Maya Irvin-Vitela offer this letter brief in response to the recent issues that have arisen at Backhouse High School. The facts of the case are as follows :On Thursday, October 31st, a pagan gathering took place at Jaycee Park in Backhouse, Wisconsin. The gathering in question was the Eighth Annual Pagan Pride Day, an event which works to build community awareness and religious tolerance. The event, which consisted of an estimated 400 people, lasted from 11 a.m. until 10 p.m. and offered a variety of products for purchase, as well as tents set up for discussions, demonstrations, and food. Shortly after October 31st, an unofficial student club at Backhouse High School, Modern American Druids, filed a Facilities Use Request with the Backhouse High School administration to use an area of the front lawn know as “the rock”. “The rock” is an area that contains the school’s flagpole, as well as a boulder, which is a widely known symbol of school pride. The area is visible from the school’s front driveway and parking lot. The Facilities Use Request was filed by the Modern American Druids faculty advisor, Earthrid Maskull, a social studies teacher and self-proclaimed Druid priest. In the Facilities Use Request, Earthrid Maskull indicated that the use of “the rock” would be a prayer ceremony that overlapped with Samhain, the Druid holiday that translates to the ‘Dark Days of November’, and would last from 7:00 a.m. until 7:45 a.m. on Friday, November 8th. The Druid prayer ceremony would consist of an unknown number of teachers and students, and invitations to participate in the ceremony were sent by Maskull to all high school staff. Additionally, members of Modern American Druids, using ... ... middle of paper ... ...g, the District is right to terminate Fern Root. In the case of T.W.A v. Hardison, Hardison sued his employers for failing to make reasonable accommodations for his religious beliefs. However, in that case, reasonable accommodations were made by Trans World Airlines. In this case, reasonable accommodations were not made for the religious beliefs of Fern Root. It would be best to apologize profusely to Fern Root and offer Root her position back, with the promise of days off to fulfill her religious obligations. Additionally, it would be beneficial to mention that the ingestion of illegal narcotics during school again would be grounds for immediate dismissal. As stated previously, this is the expert opinion of Oregon, High, and School Legal Firm, as well as Maya Irvin-Vitela, on the best legal action to take in light of the recent events at Backhouse High School.

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